Sunday, January 24, 2010

Northern Ireland

New years day was what you call 'a shut down'. Literally. The whole of Dublin had frozen over from the snow the night before and everything had stopped, the buses, the taxis, the people, the shops, it was like a scene from a movie.

We were staying in the city for the night so getting a taxi was going to be beyond impossible, but eventually after alot of walking I stuck my hand out and got lucky!

We got home, un-packed, re-packed, and then went out to the was solid as an ice cube. After many buckets of water poured over it, and many towels to wipe snow/ice off it, we managed to open the doors the at least put our bags in.

I gotta say, as much of an experience it is going to be wiping snow and ice off your car every morning, and one we would never experience in Australia, please god, don't let it be to many mornings.

Kieran drove very slow for around half an hour till we hit the motorway and we were finally off to Northern Ireland!! A place that goes by the pound, that is beautiful, and has a supermarket called the co-operative that sells many yummy desserts.

We stayed n a little town called Bushmills right up the top of the country. It was a gorgeous town, filled with many little fun tourist things.

Next morning we woke up and headed off to the Giants Causeway, a part of the coast line that has been effected by volcanic activity, therefore making the land break up into hexagonal shapes in the most peculiar ways. It also has a legend behind it where you can read about ithere.

We also went to the Rope Bridge, which has a rope bridge suspended between two cliff faces, and then headed off to Dunluce Castle, a castle set right out on a point of the Coastline.

Here are some photos of the Scenery.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

fixin jets

A couple of photos from Kierans Work at Dublin Aerospace

Nanny Diaries

Not long after arriving here, I got a job working as a nanny for 4 boys...all under the age of 6.
Yes, very busy job, but getting to know them has been pretty fun. Jonothan, Alec, Cormack and Jake are their names, and they have wild imaginations.

I have had to stop countless games of warriors, soldiers, star wars, armys, and ninja men to make sure they didn't hurt each other to much. I have had many wrestles with them (If I win the wrestle the deal is they have to eat their dinner, so I always make sure I win) and of coarse, we have had many tears over me braking pieces off their lego spaceships and soldier houses.

I keep telling my family back at home about them, so now you can put a face to the name, here they all are.

Alec and Jonothon



Happy New Year

We spent our new years with some friends who Kieran has known since he was little. Chrissy (Kierans friend), her husband, his brother and girlfriend and mum and dad came over to Dublin for a few days.

We went over to their apartment and had a nice dinner, then hit the town....well kind of. It started snowing and we were so mesmerized by the snow we just stood in the street played in it.
I could write all of our memories and funny moments, but it was a good night full of "You just had to be there" moments. I hope the photos show for you how much fun we had