Anyone ever buy junk at the airport? You know... you go into the magazine shops and you buy magazines that usually, you would never buy just to get the 2 hour flight over and done with?? Yes well, Last Thursday night, that was me. We decided to buy the April Edition of the Lonely planet magazine at the Airport, jumped on the plane and read an Article about Paris. The very first paragraph read: " Paris is in a bad mood. The Sullen, grey sky seems to be snivelling sleet and the winter depression has even sucked the dazzle out of the Eiffel Tower, leaving it looking like a leftover...."Mmmmm......... the flight we were sitting on was heading for paris.
Opening our hotel window on the first morning it was damp and dreary. Who cares, it is what we open our curtains to every day in Dublin. We had a bath (ahh yes a bath, something we had been dreaming of since the day we moved into our bathless unit) got dressed, got our trendy tourist map, and walked into town.
Oh, the patisseries, the Butchers, the Fromageries, the chocolate shops, the people wearing beret's, the amount of baguettes being carried around in brown paper bags, the accent, (and the Lacoste shop), the Architecture, the florists (and the smell as you walk past), the little french cars, the churches, the strawberries and the cleanliness...........All of the above were amazing!
The Eiffel Tower was great, The Musee De Louvre was just Gigantic, Notre Dame was incredible, Paris City by night is well worth a look, and a nice French Meal was a way to top it off.
Catacombes, Madeleine, Arch Di Triumph, Napoleons Tomb, Sacre Coeur.......Paris defiantly Turned it on for us....and Mr Crepe man (not just one, the many we went to ) we love your Nutella Crepes.
So dear Mr Lonely planet writer......I think you should go back to Paris , Visit Mr Crepe Man, and take another look around Paris.

The best creperie

Kieran Picking Strawberries

The Catacombes

The View from the Notre Dame