Ok, so lets backtrack a little bit. This post is BEFORE croatia, when we were in Salzburg, Austria.
I remember always watching the Sound of Music when I was a little girl, and my dad walking past the tv muttering "not this one again". I remember all the songs, and can sing them on cue, and also remember my mum telling me that when she was a little girl, she went and saw it with her Aunty in Sydney, so the Sound of Music tour was a must....basically there was no other choice.
Much to Kierans disinterest, I booked the Tour.....for BOTH of us (he loved it...secretly loved it).
We went to many locations, (all the locations are very far apart, in the movie you get the feeling everything is filmed within one location, but alas, very far apart.
Here are some photos of the places we went to.

The Fountain that the kids sing and dance around

The church where Maria and the Captain got married

The Rotunder that Lesle and Her boyfriend sung in on that wet wet night......it was pouring rain when we were there...its a nice raincoat isn't it?

The house and lake where the children and Maria were in the boat, and fell out of the boat. Aparently little Grettle couldn't swim, so during that scene she was literally pulled out of the water by her hair.