this is what our lives are like at the moment, one big workathon with a little bit of sleep and travel thrown in there somewhere....but we are loving it.
Our little apartment has suffered from our hectic scheduale, with plates and glasses sitting there with a big frown on their not so shiny surfaces yelping out "please wash me"....and our clothes building up in baskets around the house....ok maybe not baskets, maybe just random piles on the floor.
Kieran is currently working for ryan air, travelling around The uk. He has no idea what day of the week it is, now which city he will fly to next. Its very exciting and so is the paycheck at the end of the week.
I am still working as a nanny, and freelance is coming out of my ears...and sleep is on an average of about 5 hours a night....but I seem to love going full speed and wouldn't have it any other way.
We got away from our messy apartment and working lives, on Friday, and travelled down to Cork. Its a quaint little city, and we loved our little getaway together. Here are some pictures
of our overnight trip
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