A couple of weeks ago, We jumped into the car early morning, and headed to our first Irish wedding! We didn't know what to expect.......but we knew it would be alot of fun!
The wedding was in a little town called Bridgetown, 1 church, 1 pub, and a couple of cottages make up the town. The Reception was just 10 minutes up the road in Killaloe, a little quaint town set on the River Shannon.
And whose wedding was it? NORMAS!! Norma is Kierans cousin, and she married a nice young fellow by the name of John. They live in a tiny old irish cottage, they have a well, a tractor, a fire, and a bed that they always put 8 blankets on whenever we stay there. We love going down for a quiet weekend, and staying in their little cottage. But this was no quiet weekend! This was HUGE!!!
The wedding started at 1:30pm, and both Bride and groom looked stunning. We saw all of Normas extended family, and all of Kierans other cousins. We met a couple of new ones, and everyone made us feel very welcome!
After the wedding, and, I mean, straight after, we started drinking at the reception place. Guiness, cider, shots, punch, you name it, it was there. And everyone was having a marvelous time. Poeple bring along their instruments to irish weddings, and have a music session in the middle of the wedding. Its great, very laid back, and as the irish say, good craic!
We ate dinner, we danced, we sung, we chatted, 3am we fell into bed. 3AM!!! that was 12 hours of straight drinking! We were out of practice, the only times we had done that was once in Singapore with Kierans Aunty, who is incredibly talented at showing you a good time, and a couple of times at race-day in Brisbane! Now 3am was an early finish, everyone else left at 5:30am.
Now not only does an irish wedding involve alot of drinking, it also involves another session after the reception. So, the next morning we woke up, cured ourselves of our hangovers, went on a tiny 1 hour roadtrip, and went back to the hotel for a sleep. We then went back to the pub at 5. That night ended at 2:30.
Big weekend, good laughs, and something we will never forget. Thanks Norma and John for such a good time, and thankyou to the rest of the family for making us feel so welcome!!
One of my close friends in Australia, Erry, also got married on this weekend, and all weekend I was thinking about her! So a big shoutout to Erry, and her Husband Dan. We wish you every bit of happiness!!
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